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NTT Promotion Application Deadline is Monday, January 27th


Dear Non Tenure Track Faculty Member,

For NTTs eligible to apply for promotion this academic year, the deadline to submit your promotion materials is the first day of the Spring 20 semester—Monday, January 27, 2020.

For more information on the NTT promotion application process see Article 21.12 of the contract as well as the primer on NTT contract rights on the FSU website.

FSU Member Survey for Bargaining – tell us your priorities


Dear Colleague,

Our union contract is up and we will begin negotiations in Spring 2020.  Your Core Bargaining Representatives need your help.  We care about and need to know what issues matter to you.  What would you like to see addressed in the contract?  What are your most important priorities?

Invitation to a Non-Tenure Track Faculty Meeting on Oct. 25


Dear Non-Tenure Track faculty colleagues:

Long term care, Bayside development meeting and info on your contract rights


Dear Colleague,

As usual, a lot has been happening on campus:  

► Long term care insurance: from Mutual of Omaha is a new program that is different from the existing disability insurance that is also currently being offered. 

Important Information on Non Tenure Track Faculty Contract Rights


Dear NTT Colleague,

Welcome back (and a welcome to UMass for any new NTT faculty)! We know you are busy with the start of the semester but we want to be sure you are aware of important language in the FSU contract regarding non-tenure track faculty. This language covers everything from just cause rights, to promotional eligibility, to paid sick leave, and more.


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