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Inside UMB-FSU

Update: Healey Library actions needed


Dear FSU Members,

Yesterday we informed you of an email we sent to administration regarding working conditions in Healey Library.  At that time, we had received no acknowledgment or reply.

Wednesday afternoon we received a reply from Joel Posner, HR Labor Relations which is below.

We are meeting with him this afternoon.  

Thank you for supporting our librarians.


Caroline Coscia                                 Jeff Melnick 

FSU President                                   FSU Vice President 

FSU: Healey Library actions needed


Dear FSU members,

We share with you an email sent August 8th to Chancellor Marcelo Suárez-Orozco and UMB leadership responsible for facilities and environmental health. As of the sending of this email, we have yet to receive an acknowledgement or reply.  

Our librarians are working in a building where their workspaces have temperatures of over 80 degrees.  This is unacceptable.  

Please feel free to contact the email recipients with your concerns. 


Caroline Coscia                                 Jeff Melnick 

FSU anti racism grant recipients


Dear FSU Members, 

As you know, the FSU and university administration agreed in the last round of bargaining that $25,000 would be devoted to anti-racist initiatives in both year two and three of the contract.   

MTA Summer Conference and MTA Retirement Workshops- Additional Dates For July and August


Dear FSU Member,

The Massachusetts Teachers Association (MTA) summer conference is back!    

Come join fellow MTA members July 31st to August 3rd at UMass Amherst.   

This year’s conference is ‘offering program tracks focused on union leadership, advocacy, bargaining and political organizing’.  

FINAL REMINDER: FSU Anti-Racism Funds – Call for Proposals


Dear FSU Members,

As part of the contract negotiated by the FSU and UMB administration, the university agreed to establish a “$25,000 pool of funding in each year [of the contract that] shall be allocated to and distributed by the Provost’s office in consultation with the FSU to support anti-racism activities for faculty and librarians.” 


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