The FSU Ex Com was asked to vote on the following. The FSU Executive Committee voted to approve recommendation of revised FSU FY18 budget to the General Assembly as modified below. The votes were 9 in favor; 0 opposed; 3 members did not vote.
Greetings! After Wednesday’s Ex Com meeting, we received information from our accountant that we believe warrants a re-vote on the FSU FY18 budget. This is because 1) the JCC portion paid by the FSU (i.e. accountant’s salary for FSU/MSP and costs for both unions) is much lower than we had presented and approved by you (about $7,000 lower), and 2) the raise for Jill (our administrative assistant) was not included in the budget. These have been corrected in the attached [CONTACT FSU TO SEE COPY OF BUDGET]. The recommendation you approved with a $10 increase in dues is in column g and yields a $8500 surplus.
Because of this, Ellen, our treasurer, is now recommending the budget in green and in column f. This is a $5 dues increase instead of a $10 increase, and increases our printing and postage items by $1,000 each. This leaves us with a $3000 surplus. Without increasing postage and printing, in column e, we would have a $5,000 surplus and assume members will not want to increase dues if they see this.
We recommend that the ex com rescind Wednesday’s budget approval vote since this budget we approved is inaccurate and approve the new, proposed budget with a $5 dues increase in column g and in green.
If we cannot reach agreement by email, we can meet next Wednesday as originally reserved if we need a meeting to discuss this again.
Marlene Kim
Faculty Staff Union President, and
Department of Economics
University of Massachusetts Boston
100 Morrissey Blvd.
Boston, MA 02125
Email: Marlene.Kim@umb.edu
Voice: 617/287-6954
Fax: 617/287-6976