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CPC/DPC chairs workshop next week and FSU meeting on PFML and bargaining Oct 3


Dear Colleague,

I hope you are having a great beginning of the fall semester.  Two reminders on important events. 

► DPC/CPC training is on Monday, September 30th, 1-3 pm in the Alumni Lounge (2nd floor, Campus Center). Co-sponsored by the Office for Faculty Development and the FSU, this is designed to inform DPC and CPC chairs or their representatives regarding the responsibilities of the DPC’s and CPC’s in the promotional and personnel processes.  Knowledge of the promotional procedures outlined in the contract and university policies is an essential component in both ensuring that the best practices for personnel procedures are utilized and in avoiding taking personnel actions that might result in violations of the contract.  Therefore, we strongly encourage all Departments to send DPC and CPC chairs to attend this training.

FSU meeting, Thursday, October 3, 11-12:30 in ISC, conference room 3300, 3rd floor.   


  • What do you think of the new Paid Family Medical Leave law  (PFML) that will add a new tax to your pay?  Find out more about this new law and what is happening in PFML bargaining. 


·       What do you want in your contract?  Bargaining will begin in the spring.  Tell us about your needs. 


·       What other issues/concerns do you have? 



The new Paid Family and Medical Leave (PFML) law goes into effect on October 1st.  Please join us on October 3rd to learn about the new law and its implementation including the new payroll tax deduction that will be in your October 4th paycheck (or for those with automatic renewal. 

On September 7th you received an email from HR Direct informing you of the new law and that the UMass System contribution will be the minimum amount required by law.  The FSU has joined with forty UMass and other unions to urge though bargaining the UMass administration to pay for the full amount of this cost so that you would pay zero.  

We are still in bargaining and working hard with our sister unions to find a way to not pay any additional tax.   We will be updating you on the status of PFML bargaining and answer questions on how PFML impacts you. 

Our collective bargaining contract runs to June 30, 2020 which means we begin bargaining for our successor agreement Spring semester.  Part of preparing for bargaining is gathering information from members including surveying members (you will receive this later in the semester).  If you have areas of the contract that you desire change, please feel free to present your concerns.  Over the next few months, there will multiple opportunities to express your interests in contract issues.

We look forward to seeing you on the 3rd.

The union is only as strong as members are involved.  Let us know if you want to be involved in the union, serve on our membership drive, a committee, or help with any of these issues.

Marlene Kim

Faculty Staff Union President, and


Department of Economics

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