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September 30, 2022

FSU Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

September 30, 2022 (hybrid: ISC 1-1400 and Zoom)

Executive Committee Members Present: Caroline Coscia (President); Chris Barcelos; Dana Commesso; Monique Fuguet; Sana Haroon; Jessica Holden; Linda Liu; Jeff Melnick; Brian White

Others Present: Lorenzo Nencioli (FSU Senior Staff Member); Katie D’Urso (MTA rep)



  1. Tenure-track special election: The Elections Committee drafted a schedule for this special election to fill Jeff’s vacant TT position, with the goal of having a new TT representative in place this fall. Motion to approve the special election timeline. Motion seconded. Motion passes unanimously.

  2. LGBTQIA+ caucus: Jessica announces that the LGBTQIA+ Affinity Group is holding their first on-campus event on October 19. The group will also present a proposal to the Executive Committee seeking designation as an official FSU caucus.

  3. Prince William’s visit to the JFK Library: The visit will occur on Friday, December 2. Discussion of closing or moving to remote classes.

  4. Covid hazard pay: Discussion of covid hazard pay for FSU members who worked on campus between November 2, 2020 – May 29, 2021. This timeline was determined by the governor’s office. Most qualifying employees will receive a one-time $1000 hazard payment and a small number will receive $2000.

  5. Parking bargaining: Discussion of parking bargaining proposal, which includes a 50% university subsidy for MBTA passes and a sliding scale for parking passes. The multi-union parking bargaining team is meeting with the Administration on October 12 to hear their response to the proposal.

  6. Approve Minutes: Motion to approve the minutes of the September 21 Executive Committee meeting Motion seconded. Motion passes unanimously.

  7. Core Bargaining Team 23-26: The deadline for CBT applications will be extended.