Dear FSU Member,
As of today, the Governor has submitted our contracts to House Ways and Means, and we need to act immediately to urge our legislators to approve our contracts and send them back to Governor Patrick for his final signature. The legislative sessions ends on January 7th, so we need to email them immediately if we hope to have an impact.
If you have not already done so, please click
here to send an e-mail today urging your legislators to approve these contracts.
We are determined to have this issue resolved before the end of the legislative session on January 7. Please be alert over the next two weeks for messages urging further action.
Note that this action is needed from the legislature as the next step in our contract approval process. The next step after that will be to ensure funding for the contracts. We will alert you on how you can help us to ensure funding after this first bridge is crossed.
Marlene Kim
FSU President