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Bargaining update meeting this Thursday, MTA Annual Meeting, and other information


Dear Colleague,

As always, a lot us going on.  Please join us this Thursday at our bargaining update to give us your thoughts, or email us if you have not yet done so.   

FSU Election Results

3/9/2018, revised 3/12/18

NOTE: the original posting included a pdf document with incorrect information on the election results. That document has been corrected and is available below.

Dear FSU member,

Voting closed at 9AM this morning and the election results are in.  

Congratulations to your new FSU Executive Committee members:

President:                                              Marlene Kim

Tenured Faculty Representatives:          Tim Sieber and Emilio Sauri

FSU Elections - Voting Update


Dear FSU members,

Our elections are down to the home stretch.  Voting begins at 9AM Friday March 2nd and runs to 9AM Friday, March 9th.

Thank you to all those who came to the candidate forum. The video of the forum is now on the FSU blog: You can also view the candidate statements here.

MTA candidate forum today at noon, parking information, and other news from the FSU


Dear Colleagues:

Please join us today at the event below:   


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