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Higher Education

FSU Executive Committee meeting, Thursday, 3:30-5, upcoming MTA workshops


Dear FSU Member,

The FSU Executive Committee will be meeting TOMORROW Thursday from 3:30-5 pm in ISC, 1400.

These meetings are open to all members.  Members can also attend by Zoom  (contact FSU or Steve Striffler for Zoom information).

Washington Post Opinion – from FSU member


Dear FSU Members,

We write to share a poignant Opinion piece on the “war on drugs” that just appeared in the Washington Post from one of our members and colleagues, Professor Tony Van Der Meer.

The Point: See You in September!


Greetings, Colleagues:

Salary Raises for Faculty-Librarians – Governor’s Parameters


Dear FSU Members,

Governor Baker just informed that National Association of Government Employees (NAGE) of the following salary parameters for the next three years:

1.5% bonus in year one (July 1, 2020), followed by 2% raise in year two, and a 2% raise in year three.


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