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Legislative Efforts

Legislative update


Dear Colleague,

There’s a lot going on legislatively that will help UMB.  See below. 

Reminder to contact your legislators to raise $43 million for UMB every year, plus impact bargaining on intra-campus employment


Dear Colleague,

We hope you are having a great summer.  Some important news is below. 

►The Administration has requested that the FSU negotiate a policy for intra-campus employment (a policy for FSU members who are also employed at another UMass campus). Let us know if you are interested in serving on this bargaining team or are currently employed on more than one UMass campus and are willing to advise us and provide information regarding your experiences and concerns.  Contact the FSU office for more information.

Testify today, send testimony and contact your legislators to help UMB


Dear Colleague,

The Joint Higher Education on Higher Education Committee is meeting today in room A-1 from 10:30 until around 1 pm.

Mt. Ida update plus adjunct pension bill - help us get this passed!


Dear Colleagues,

I hope you are towards the end of your grading if you are a faculty member!  I want to inform you about two important items.  

► UMass Amherst is promoting “the Mount Ida Campus of UMass Amherst [as] the Greater Boston instructional location of the Commonwealth’s flagship campus.” 


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