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Bargaining Today – please join


Hi All,

We bargained for 3 hours yesterday and will do so again today.   The pace of bargaining has picked up considerably.  We are now making forward progress!   So you better join the team today if you want to participate in this round of bargaining – time is running out to take part in the fun!

Register here for today’s bargaining from 4-7pm:

 (contact FSU or Steve Striffler for registration information).

The Point: No Tiers This Holiday Season


Greetings, Colleagues:

Can we talk about breakfast cereal?

Bargaining Invite – next Tuesday and Wednesday


Dear FSU Members,

We owe you a bargaining update from our last bargaining session on Monday – which will come after we get some grading done!

In the meantime, we invite you to join two bargaining sessions next week – where we will continue to discuss raises, promotional bumps, distance learning, and the like.

Tuesday, 3:30-6:30 

Wednesday, 4-7pm 

 (contact FSU or Steve Striffler for registration information).

UPDATE -- Thursday Union Action - Holiday Lunch with Chancellor


Dear FSU Members,

Some good news.  The Chancellor has agreed to meet with representatives of the unions – no doubt due to your pressure.  We are setting up a meeting. 

Bargaining Invite and Rally Recap


Please register for bargaining this Monday – from 4-7  (contact FSU or Steve Striffler for registraton information).    [Before you register, please make sure you can attend at least some of the bargaining session; we reached our capacity of 30 members last time and some folks couldn’t attend since we filled up]

Thanks to the roughly two hundred union members who showed up to make our collective voice known to the Administration – Fair Bargaining Now!



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