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Parking fee agreement, FAQ


Parking Tentative Agreement

URGENT: Call Marty Meehan today to get your raise.


Dear Colleague,

As you know, the UMass Presidents Office is telling us that there is not enough money appropriated for our raises.  But we know that money has been appropriated for the first year of the raises.  We have been pressing for at least that raise, due July 1, 2017, even if all the money has not come for the second year of our raises, due last July 1, 2018. 

Parking Fee Vote December 7 through December 14


Dear FSU Member,

The FSU has arrived at a tentative Memorandum of Agreement with the administration on parking (see the agreement here). This agreement requires member ratification which means we are holding a ratification vote.

You will be sent a ballot no later than Friday, December 7th at 11AM EST where you will vote yes to ratify or no not to ratify the parking agreement. Voting ends at 10AM EST on Friday, December 14th

Parking Information and Update on Raises


Dear Colleagues,

A reminder to join us tomorrow (Tuesday) and Wednesday to discuss the parking fee structure and to support our sister unions tomorrow.

Parking Bargaining Meetings: 

Tuesday, November 27, 2 pm ISC, 3rd floor, Room 3300

Wednesday, November 28, 2:45 pm Wheatley, 1st floor, Room 55

(Contact FSU for Zoom Information for these meetings).  

Your raises, parking meetings and other news from the FSU


Dear Colleagues,

We hope you will soon get a restful break.  In the meantime, please join us next week to discuss the parking fee structure. 

Parking Bargaining Meetings: 

Tuesday, November 27, 2 pm ISC, 3rd floor, Room 3300

Wednesday, November 28, 2:45 pm Wheatley, 1st floor, Room 55

(Contact the FSU for Zoom Information for these meetings).  


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