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Raise $43 million for UMB per year this Thursday at 5 pm


Dear Colleagues,

Come to Boston this Thursday, May 16 to support the Cherish Act, which will give UMass Boston an additional $43 million/year (for information on this Act, see here). 

Come to the legislative lunch tomorrow at noon- help us increase funding for UMB!


Dear Colleagues,

Come to the Legislative Lunch tomorrow, May 2, 12 noon, Campus Center, Ballroom A

With faculty, staff , students and legislators, come discuss how the budget cuts have affected you, how UMB needs the extra $43 million that the Cherish Act will infuse per year to UMB, and the importance of the Cherish Act and why legislators should support it. 

Activities to support the Cherish Act


Dear Colleague,

I hope you can support the Cherish Act by participating in these activities.  If you have yet to contact your state legislators, please do so now (see here).  


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