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Health Insurance

Proposed parking fee increase and your health care benefits


Dear Colleagues:

A lot is going on.  This is the latest—please come to one of the events next week, summarized here.  

Your health care benefits just changed—Take Action!


Dear Colleagues:

Welcome Back!  I will update you with more information later.  Right now we need to inform you about two important issues: 

► Last Thursday, the Group Insurance Commission (GIC) which governs your health care benefits, voted to reduce the health care plans they will offer you (for more information, see here):  

Tell The State To Support Debt Relief for UMB!


Dear Colleagues:

Happy New Year, and hope you had a well-deserved rest.  Please call your State Senator below: 

Budget Cuts:  Call your State Senator now! 

Rally on Friday at noon and petition for the Early Learning Center

Dear Colleague,

Below are the latest updates from the FSU:

► Budget cut update: 

Budget cuts and hearing on higher ed bill

Dear Colleague,

Below is the latest news around the budget cuts and an important bill hearing on Thursday. 

Budget Cuts:  There are many rumors about the budget cuts.  This is what we verified with the administration:


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