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7PM at the State House, tell legislators to fund our contract!


Dear Members,

Today is the day to tell our legislators to fund our raises. 

Both the House and Senate will be in session tonight where we and all state employee unions hope the differences in the supplemental budget bills will be resolved.  Being resolved means our contract will be funded now and not in January.

Last week the House passed a supplemental budget that included our raises along with many other funding items.  Last night, the Senate supplemental budget bill was passed with our contract funding but not with the same exact items passed in the House bill.

What does this mean? Both chambers must pass a bill with the same exact language. When there are differences, a conference committee is formed to hash out the differences, and then each chamber votes on the amended bill.   The chairs of both the House and Senate Ways and Means committees are the key negotiators. 

Today is the last day of formal sessions. A vote needs to be taken today.  After today there is no set timetable for any vote. The next formal votes will not take place until early January.

Join fellow MTA members, MTA President Max Page, and state union members at 7PM this evening to tell the legislature to fund our raises (members will meet at 7 at the MTA office at 20 Ashburton Place, then march next door to the State House from there).


Caroline Coscia                             Sana Haroon

Senior Lecturer II                          Professor

Political Science Department     History Department

President                                        Vice President