Dear FSU Member,
The FSU is looking for faculty leaders to participate in a membership recruitment and retention initiative that will energize our union by engaging members. Faced with a financial crisis at UMass Boston, and confronted by a national attack against labor unions, now is the time to reconnect and mobilize. Through its Project EMERGE initiative, the FSU is looking for a diverse group of faculty who are willing to strategize on how to sign up non-members as full FSU members, keep our current membership rate high, and engage, energize, and recruit members across the campus with the purpose of strengthening faculty power during these uncertain times. If you would like to be part of this effort, please email the FSU at: fsu@umb.edu.
From the FSU EMERGE Committee:
John Hess, FSU Vice President
Marlene Kim, FSU President
Joe Ramsey, Non-Tenure Track Representative, FSU Executive Committee and Interim Chair of the EMERGE Committee
Steve Striffler, Tenured Representative, FSU Executive Committee