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Advocating for Our Rights as Members
The Faculty Staff Union Exists to Promote Better Working Conditions and Protect the Wages and Rights of Our Members
Faculty Staff Union, UMass Boston
UMass Boston- Harbor Point
Speak Out Against Proposed Take-Backs!
FSU, CSU, and PSU members at the Chancellor's Office demanding that UMass pay the raises agreed to in bargaining
The Faculty Staff Union of UMass-Boston
Representing Faculty Members and Librarians at UMass Boston Since 1976.

The Faculty Staff Union of UMass Boston Quinn/2/81A 100 Morrissey Blvd Boston MA 02125 617-287-6295 | 

The Faculty Staff Union of UMass Boston

Welcome to the FSU Site. Here you will find important information about our union, including the contract, a list of officers and  Executive Committee members, the FSU office telephone number and our address. You will also find information about current issues.   Please be sure to check the site regularly for the most recent issues facing our unit. We also have provided links to related sites that   you may find useful for union issues and for professional activities.

Caroline Coscia, President


REMINDER: Important Information on Non Tenure Track Faculty Contract Rights- Deadline to Signal Intent to Apply for Promotions is May 15th, 2020


Dear NTT Colleague,

We hope you are all holding up well during this unprecedented time. Look for an email from us soon about a zoom meeting with NTTs to check in about how people are handling the rapid transition to remote teaching that we have all been faced with.

Materials for FSU Annual Meeting, Thursday, April 30th, 9-11


Dear Member,

We hope you will join us at our annual meeting on Thursday, April 30 from 9-11 am.  More details on the platform we will be using will follow.  We hope to hear about your concerns and your ideas.  We are attaching the agenda (slightly revised), the budget, a narrative about the budget, and a proposed bylaw change (NOTE: contact the FSU office for copies of all relevant documents)

COVID-19 and our campus: what’s next?


Dear FSU members,

Please join the FSU bargaining team for an informal Q&A to discuss any and all of the following:

Layoffs, Budgets, FSU meeting agenda, and other important news from the FSU


Dear Colleague,

I hope you are doing well during these difficult times.  Here’s an update:

State budget info, stipends for developing online courses, and other news from the FSU


Dear Colleague,

I hope you are safe and well given the coronavirus pandemic.  Here is an update. 

►The financial outlook for UMB:  Many people are asking about budget cuts.  If these occur, this will be from cuts from the state budget and/or declining enrollments.  The university does not have a picture of enrollments for the fall yet. 

FSU Update on Impact Bargaining


Dear FSU Members,

We write with an update about COVID-19 impact bargaining with the Administration.  At our meeting on April 8th we reached tentative agreement on the FSU-specific portion of the larger union-coalition proposal (see attached).  This will not become formal or official until we complete bargaining the larger portion of the proposal that we share with the other unions on campus.  It’s all part of a single proposal.

FSU Update on COVID-19 Impact Bargaining


Dear FSU Members,

We write with an update about COVID-19 impact bargaining with the Administration. Along with the other campus unions, and based on your input, we developed the set of proposals we sent to you last week. The administration refused to negotiate with the campus unions together, and therefore the FSU Core Bargaining Team met separately with the administration on Tuesday, March 31st and Thursday, March 2nd.  We only discussed the FSU-specific proposals in the larger document (but will eventually discuss the larger, shared, proposals).  


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