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FSU Update: MTA workplace survey, state pensions and Social Security, transportation survey, and MTA Summer Conference


Dear Members,

Before you go into full period of non-responsibility mode, we share a request from MTA to complete a workplace survey.  In addition, a recent Boston Globe article provides a good explanation of what happens to retirees on state pensions when you also qualify to receive Social Security.  

MTA events: Join the MTA at the Boston Pride For The People Parade! MTA Summer Conference


Dear Member,

Boston Pride for the People Parade, June 8th 

REMINDER: FSU Transportation Survey


Dear Member,

The FSU in coalition with the Classified Staff Union and the Professional Staff Union are currently engaged with administration in transportation bargaining. To assist us we ask that you complete a brief transportation survey (contact FSU or Caroline Coscia for survey information).

The survey seeks feedback on how you currently get to campus and what, if any, factor(s) might shift your modality.

Update From The FSU Grievance Committee


Dear Colleague,

FSU Transportation Survey


Dear Member,

The FSU in coalition with the Classified Staff Union and the Professional Staff Union are currently engaged with administration in transportation bargaining. To assist us we ask that you complete a brief transportation survey (contact FSU or Caroline Coscia for survey information).

The survey seeks feedback on how you currently get to campus and what, if any, factor(s) might shift your modality.


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