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Nuts & Bolts: Cherish, University Dining, Tabling, West Garage and the UAW


Dear Member,

This issue of Nuts & Bolts contains a variety of topics.  

Thank you…….

Thank you to all who attended the UMass Boston Stands Up for the Cherish Act. FSU Member CR Elliott, Librarian, spoke eloquently on the deficiencies of our library and how this impacts students, staff, and faculty.   Thank you, CR!

Welcome Back From Your Faculty Staff Union


Dear Members,

Happy new academic year! The next few days are exciting as we reconnect with colleagues, meet new colleagues, and greet our students.   I hope you had a relaxing, restful, and productive period of non-responsibility. And for those new to UMB, we welcome you to campus and wish you a positive and productive semester ahead.

Your union is gearing up for a busy semester.  Many of our activities and actions include numerous ways for you to get involved.  

The Point: UMB Should Take a Flyer on Free Speech


Subject: Posting Policies on Campus

Action Item: Download the Attached and Put it On Your Office Door


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