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Inside UMB-FSU

FSU Anti-Racism Funds – funded proposals


Dear FSU Members,

As you know, the FSU and university administration agreed in the last round of bargaining that $25,000 would be devoted to anti-racist initiatives in both year two and three of the contract.  Because bargaining did not conclude until the middle of year two of the contract, we were all under something of a time crunch to determine how this money was to be spent; for year two, it needs to happen this semester.

Pay raises and Construction Update


Dear FSU Member, 

We are providing you with a couple of updates. 

Pay Raises:  Our pay raise funding was included in Governor Baker’s February 18th Supplemental Budget request. The request is before the state legislature for debate (not for our funding but executive branch initiatives). Hopefully the legislature will vote shortly, the governor will sign and then our Human Resources can begin the process of member payment. 

The Point: Who Watches the Watchmen?


Greetings, Colleagues:

FSU Executive Committee Meeting TODAY, 3-4:30


Dear FSU Members,

The FSU Executive Committee will be TODAY Friday from 3- 4:30.

These meetings are open to all members.   (contact FSU or Steve Striffler for Zoom information).

The Point: Speech! Speech!


Greetings, Colleagues:


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