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July 22nd paycheck..the good..the bad…


Dear Members, 

Our July 22nd paycheck included our 2% cost of living raise. This is good.    

What is not good, the university also took out a union dues deduction for dues paying FSU members. Union dues deductions only occur September to June, ten deductions.   

Pay raises and Construction Update


Dear FSU Member, 

We are providing you with a couple of updates. 

Pay Raises:  Our pay raise funding was included in Governor Baker’s February 18th Supplemental Budget request. The request is before the state legislature for debate (not for our funding but executive branch initiatives). Hopefully the legislature will vote shortly, the governor will sign and then our Human Resources can begin the process of member payment. 

Salary Raises for Faculty-Librarians – Governor’s Parameters


Dear FSU Members,

Governor Baker just informed that National Association of Government Employees (NAGE) of the following salary parameters for the next three years:

1.5% bonus in year one (July 1, 2020), followed by 2% raise in year two, and a 2% raise in year three.

Welcome to Spring 2021


Dear Members,

Goodbye 2020….and hello 2021!  The Fall semester was exhausting, but through your hard work UMass Boston successfully held classes, educated thousands of students, and otherwise carried on.  We hope you got a well-deserved break and are ready for what is hopefully our last virtual semester (if you need to come to campus this Spring contact your department chair).

Welcome Back from the FSU


Dear Colleague,

Welcome back to campus for those of you who are returning.  For those of you who are new, welcome to UMass Boston. We wish you a rewarding semester ahead. As you can see, we have been busy: 


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