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NTT Caucus

The NTT Caucus is open to all NTT faculty.  The Caucus is a gathering where information is shared and input sought on items of importance to NTT faculty.

The meeting agenda is divided into three areas: The In Box, Professional Development, and Know Your Contract.  Each agenda area will provide you with information along with an opportunity to share information.

The In Box includes information on events, announcements and reminders.  Professional Development aims to provide guest speakers to explain benefits, programs and/or department activities which can assist us in our jobs.  The Know Your Contract agenda section will explore a specific contract provision so as to explain its purpose and usage.  

Friday, Nov. 18, 3:30- to 5 pm, Crossley Lounge (W-6-47).  

Friday, November 18, 2016 - 3:30pm to 5:00pm