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Nuts & Bolts: May 7th and 8th drop in breaks, NTT promotion intent, an anti-racism event, and tell your legislator to repeal the WEP


Dear Members,

The end of April signals the semester end is near.  We are on the homestretch (Kentucky Derby is May 4th) yet sometimes the finish line seems so far away!  

Save the Date! May 7th and May 8th

Join the FSU for a little nosh, chat with colleagues and spend some time gathering with others.  We are hosting two drop by and take a break events.  Both are 12PM to 2PM on Tuesday, May 7th and Wednesday, May 8th.

Watch for a flyer with more details.

Non-Tenure Track Faculty Promotions

Promotion to Senior Lecturer and ranks above first requires you to inform your chair of your intent to apply for promotion.  The date to submit an email to your chair is Wednesday, May 15th.  Although you indicate your intention to apply for promotion in May 2024, your promotion materials are not submitted to January 2025.

A more detailed email will be sent to non-tenure track faculty.

Anti-Racism Grant Recipient Events

An upcoming event of which the sponsors were awarded a 2023-2024 FSU Anti-Racism Grant.

Monday, April 29th Bargaining for the Common Good.  12:00-2:00PM, Alumni Lounge

The attached flyer contains event information and zoom option

Anti-Racism Grant Program

The FSU added to our 2020-2023 contract to a grant program to support activities related to anti racism.  Our 2023-2024 contract (article 26.6.1.a2) increased the funding to $45,000.  Because our contract ends in June and we are just starting bargaining for our 2024-2027 contract, we are not yet able to ask for applications for the next academic year.  Watch this space in the Fall for more information.

FSU Annual Meeting

Thank you to all who attended our 2024 Annual Meeting.  A full recap will be sent soon. In the meantime, we are attaching the slideshow used in the meeting.

Social Security and State Retirement: Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP)

Since President Reagan signed into law the Windfall Elimination Provision, retirees have been fighting back. WEP can take away some of your social security benefits if you are collecting a government pension.  This legislative session, HR82 has garnered 318 sponsors (only need 218 to pass a bill) and the bill made it to the House Ways and Means Committee,  the farthest the bill has ever gotten.

Let’s get this bill to the House floor for a vote!  Tell House Ways and Means ‘make my social security whole!’    Send an email to Include name, address, telephone number and In the subject line put : “Subcommittee Hearing on the Windfall Elimination Provision and the Government Pension Offset”.   Tell them you paid into social security and deserve to receive your full benefits.    

MTA Benefits: Red Sox Educator Appreciation Games

If you enjoy baseball, Fenway Park and are an FSU member then on May 10th and/or June 12th you can attend a Red Sox game with an educator discount. All you need to do is to go to MTA benefits, log in and select Seasonal Benefits to see this offer and more.

Enjoy the last eight days of classes!


Caroline Coscia                                 

FSU President                                   

Senior Lecturer II                               

Political Science Department