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The Point: Who Watches the Watchmen?


Greetings, Colleagues:

NTT Promotion Materials due February 8th


Dear NTT Member,  

Important Information on Non Tenure Track Faculty Contract Rights


Dear NTT Colleague,

We know you are busy but we want to be sure you are aware of important language in the FSU contract regarding non-tenure track faculty (welcome to UMass for any new NTT faculty!). This language covers everything from just cause rights, to promotional eligibility, to paid sick leave, and more. We also want to let you know that once things get settled we will be holding an NTT FSU members Fall constituents meeting over zoom, and you are invited.  Stay tuned for date and details!

FSU Raises, Bargaining, Health, and Politics!


Dear FSU members,

If you make it to the end of this overly long email you will have a guaranteed place in union heaven!  There is something for everyone!


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