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New UMB Sexual Harassment Policy


Dear FSU Members,

The FSU Sexual Harassment Committee and the Administration have reached agreement on a new sexual harassment policy (see MOU 6 of the contract for the relevant language regarding the charge of that committee). That policy can be seen here.

A few important points need to be mentioned about this new policy:

Distance Learning Issue for Faculty


Dear FSU Members,

The punch line: We write to alert faculty to a de facto change in university practice that has eliminated any incentive/reason for faculty to select the “departmental” model when creating Distance Learning courses.   With very few exceptions, faculty should select the “individual” model going forward.

Welcome to Spring 2021


Dear Members,

Goodbye 2020….and hello 2021!  The Fall semester was exhausting, but through your hard work UMass Boston successfully held classes, educated thousands of students, and otherwise carried on.  We hope you got a well-deserved break and are ready for what is hopefully our last virtual semester (if you need to come to campus this Spring contact your department chair).

Have your course caps been raised?


Dear FSU Members,

Two things regarding course capacities.


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