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Your raises are finally coming and other news from the FSU


Dear Colleague,

Some great news and reminders from the FSU.   

Your raises:  Even though you ratified our contract in the summer, we have not received our raises because the legislature and Governor had yet to validate and fund our contracts (and other UMass contracts).  The House Ways and Means Committee just released a supplemental budget to fund these, and we expect both Houses to pass this and for the Governor to sign.  Yes you will receive retroactive pay. 

Important Information on Non Tenure Track Faculty Contract Rights


Dear NTT Colleague,

Welcome back (and a welcome to UMass for any new NTT faculty)! We know you are busy with the start of the semester but we want to be sure you are aware of important language in the FSU contract regarding non-tenure track faculty. This language covers everything from just cause rights, to promotional eligibility, to paid sick leave, and more.

Parking bargaining update


Parking Bargaining update: 

Administration Continues to Propose Excessive Rate Increase

Welcome and update from the FSU


Dear Colleague,

Welcome back to campus for those of you who are returning.  For those of you who are new, welcome to UMass Boston. We wish you a rewarding semester ahead. As you can see, we have been busy: 

► REMINDER: FSU meeting on parking and parking bargaining:  Thursday September 131 pm.  Campus Center, 3rd floor, Bay View Room (3540).  We will update you and hear your thoughts/input on this issue.

Parking at UMB and information on tuition/fees paid on UMass campuses


Dear Colleague,

I hope you are having a great summer.  Two important updates are here:


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