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Parking at UMB and information on tuition/fees paid on UMass campuses


Dear Colleague,

I hope you are having a great summer.  Two important updates are here:

FSU Executive Committee Statement on Parking


Dear Colleague,

We would like to inform you that the FSU Executive Committee has formally approved the following statement:

The FSU Executive Committee is committed to the FSU bargaining team arriving at one unified parking agreement with the CSU, PSU, and students. The FSU Executive Committee also pledges that the FSU Executive Committee, bargaining team, and members will actively participate in a campaign to reach an agreement that is beneficial to all the unions and students.

FSU Members Vote To Ratify The 2017-2020 Contract


Dear FSU members,

Voting on the ratification of our 2017-2020 contract ended at 12:00PM today.

The results are:

Election Question: Should the proposed collective bargaining Agreement between the FSU/MTA/NEA and the UMass Board of Trustees be ratified?

Response                            Count                                    Percent

YES                                         306                                         97%

Ratification Election Reminder to Vote


Dear FSU members,

The FSU contract ratification election is coming to a close. Voting will conclude at 12PM on Thursday, July 19th.

Your ballot was sent to you by Ballotbin, which is a software we use for our elections. In a few cases, the emailed ballot  was directed by members’ email providers into spam, promotions, or junk folders, so make sure to check those.

Vote on your 2017-20 contract now


Dear FSU Members,

The FSU has arrived at a tentative agreement with the administration on our contract, everything except parking.  To move the agreement to adoption and implementation requires a vote by FSU members.  This email explains the ratification voting process.

The Elections Committee will conduct the ratification vote.


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