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President's Letters

Nuts & Bolts: Medical leave update, gender designations, back-to-back classes, anti-racism grant events, Cherish Act support, MTA annual meeting and a save the date


Dear Members,

This issue is longer than usual. It is so because we have lots of information to share.  

UPDATE: Medical Leave and Third-Party Vendor

Last week’s issue informed you we, along with other UMass unions are working together in coalition and will be taking some actions.  On Friday, March 22nd the FSU sent a formal letter to the Chancellor demanding to cease and desist implementation of the new vendor, FMLASource.

FSU Nuts & Bolts: Update on medical leaves, FSU Annual Meeting new business call, anti-racism grant events, retirement, and the MTA Annual Meeting


Dear Members,

This issue’s first item is a benefit important to all union members. Please take time to read and watch for additional information coming this week.

UPDATE: Medical Leave and Third-Party Vendor

FSU Nuts & Bolts: FSU Annual Meeting, Medical Leave Vendor, Anti Racism Grants, Computer Replacement Program and MTA Benefits Webinar


Dear Members,

The tips of my daffodils are appearing yet as a true new Englander, I know old man winter is not done with us yet. This week do enjoy the warm weather.  Hang out on the plaza and watch as people shimmy their way around the ‘do not enter’ fencing as they take a shortcut to the new parking lot. It is so nice to leave campus around 5PM and still see the sun.  

FSU Annual Meeting, April 23rd

Mark your calendar!   The FSU Annual Meeting is Tuesday, April 23rd 3:00 – 5:00PM. 

FSU Nuts & Bolts: MTA rep, Canvas is coming, Paid Leave and Longevity Bonus


Dear Members,

If you are reading this from your UMB office, then you are not one of the estimated sixteen million who call in sick the day after the super bowl.  There is even a legislative push to make this Monday a national holiday.  With so many with the super bowl flu, I hope for a lighter commute.

MTA Field Representative

Each MTA local is assigned a field representative to assist and support the local in such areas as bargaining, organizing, membership development and contracts.


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