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Nuts & Bolts: Raises, Elections, Bargaining Survey, Social Security work and parents’ group


Dear Members, 

July 1, 2023, Pay Raise

We are happy to say our December 22, 2023, paycheck will include your July 1, 2023, 4% raise plus the retroactive pay from July 1st.  To receive the July 1st, raise, you needed to have been on payroll on June 30, 2023.  The ranks for Lecturer and above are eligible for the pay raise.   

FSU Annual Elections, Spring 2024

The Elections Committee will be sending information including a timeline.  Watch for an email for the Elections Committee email.

MTA Retirement Counseling Sessions, Wed June 14 and Thurs June 22


Dear FSU Members,

We would like to make you aware of the following MTA retirement counseling sessions conducted by Ed McCourt, MTA’s Retirement Consultant (see his message below). These sessions are free to MTA members only.


Caroline Coscia                                 

FSU President                                   

Senior Lecturer II                               

MTA Retirement Workshops- June 16 and June 24


Dear FSU Member,

We’d like to inform you of the following retirement workshops conducted by the MTA’s retirement specialist, Ed McCourt (see his email below). These workshops are for FSU/MTA members only.


Caroline Coscia                                 Jeff Melnick

FSU President                                   FSU Vice President

Senior Lecturer II                              Professor

Political Science                                American Studies

MTA – retirement consultations


NOTE: As of today, the MTA retirement consultation appointments listed below have all been taken. More appointment dates are in the process of being scheduled. Interested FSU members should email Ed McCourt and ask to be put on a waitlist- PLEASE REPLY IMMEDIATELY UPON RECEIVING AN EMAIL FROM ED. The MTA has indicated that if new appointments cannot be accomodated over the next 2 months, members will be notified in May of  additonal workshops to be scheduled in June--- FSU 3/17/21

Dear FSU Member,


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