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Reminder on the FSU annual meeting, external review of discrimination investigations at UMB, and other news from the FSU


Dear Colleagues,

We are on the home stretch to the end of semester.  Here is an opportunity to get involved in obtaining a better investigatory process for discrimination complaints and a reminder on our annual meeting in one week. 

Reminder:  the FSU Annual Meeting will be Thursday, May 9th at 2-3:15PM in ISC, 3rd floor, Room 3300

Budget meeting tomorrow and other news from the FSU


Dear Colleague,

I hope you are having a great semester.  Here is an update: 

►FSU Budget input meeting: Tomorrow, Tuesday, April 2nd, 2 pm (Campus Center, first floor meeting room, 1313) for input on this budget.  (contact the FSU office to see the preliminary FY20 budget and a report from the Treasurer.) You can also email your thoughts to  A final version of the proposed FY20 budget will be sent to members in advance of the FSU Annual Meeting.

BoT meeting next week, MTA Annual Meeting, and Other News


Dear Colleague,

An update on what is going on: 

Board of Trustees Meeting: This Wednesday, April 3, 9 am:  Some UMB faculty will be addressing the Trustees regarding the Mount Ida issue.  Come support us in the Faculty Conference Room, UMass Medical School.  55 Lake Avenue North, Worcester, MA: 


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